Last night, I went to the mall and drove myself completely crazy looking at clothes and shoes. I got to view the new rabbit fur Coach bags up close, and I have changed my mind about them completely. It did not look as cute in the light at Macy's. The quilting and the rabbit fur looked good on the Coach website, but when I held the bag in my hand I knew I didn't want it anymore. I did, however, find an apple green leather Coach bag that I will be buying to match the apple green three-quarter-length jacket I found in Lane Bryant last night.
I could have had my purchases last night, but the salespeople know me well and let me in on the secret that there is a 30% shoppers discount on Sunday only if I use the Lane Bryant charge. Please refresh my memory; is there a twelve-step program for compulsive shoppers?
I went to look at shoes last night as well, but as I was in a rush to go pick Anthony up from work, I only got to look in Macy's and Famous Footwear. We are planning a trip back to the mall this weekend though, so I will be able to do a full search then. I'm looking specifically for boots. I still don't have any boots and I need at least three pair. The weather is cooling down here.
There is lots of pink this season, which is right up my alley. Pink is my new blue; although I still love blue, I have a brand new infatuation with pink. I'm Pretty in Pink, and not in a Molly Ringwald kind of way, but in a Monique the Geek kind of way, and everyone says it looks good on me, so what the hell, hm?
Last night was dinner with Anthony at Arizona Charlie's. Two eggs, two bacon, two fat sausages, two pancakes and toast for $2.99. I don't need to tell you how full I was; I'm sure you can imagine. I posted pictures of the plates on the momo blog…
…which I'm thinking of renaming. If there is anyone out there that is an expert on domain mapping with Typepad, can you please email me at [email protected]? I need help.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of my lunch hour. You may now go back to being bored someplace else.